
IPS Group, UK

We are committed to sustainable business and manufacturing processes that minimise the impact on our environment.

IPS offers better ROI through sustainability

Here’s how:

Solar Power

A recent report estimated that IPS solar-powered meters keep approximately 100,000 batteries out of  landfill sites each year.

Equipment Longevity

IPS reduces the waste of discarded equipment by building more durable products to maximise product life. Many of our first-generation machines are still in the field.

Hardware Upcycling

Our Upgrade Kits allow communities to reuse old meter and pay station hardware, which helps reduce the demand for new materials and keeps discarded equipment out of landfills.

Hardware Upcycling

We partner with a battery recycling service that we use internally, and recommend to our customers. IPS has never used environmentally toxic nickel-cadmium batteries.